Mission Reports

booksListed here are all the in character larping write-ups and reports that have been submitted to Valley Archives. To read any of the reports just click on one of the links below to expand and contract the yearly listings.

If you wish to send in any larping reports for publication, please send them to  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

There will be an in character reward of 30 gests for each larping mission article submitted.

Even if a report has been written by another larp character please still feel free to send in your own report as well as not every character sees things from the same perspective and other players can benefit from the information you put into your report on their future larp events.


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# Article Title Date Hits
1 Moragar's Legacy by Smudge Whelk Mar 2024 672
2 Cleansing Moragars Inheritance - Draal Llotlhspawn Mar 2024 1249
3 Moragar’s Legacy by Wulfric Baneguard Mar 2024 732
4 Shards of Power Nov 2023 1666
5 The Return of an Icon Jun 2023 1669
6 Return of the Dead by Skalgrim Skyfather. Harvest Moon PC08 Nov 2022 4149
7 The Lost Archive - Shen Manchu Jun 2022 3677
8 The Ascension by Skalgrim Skyfather Jun 2022 2407
9 A Night at the Pub by Gravesong Mar 2022 1681
10 Reclaiming the Menagerie Report Aug 2021 3441
11 Scavenger Hunt Mission Report Apr 2020 2797
12 Yuletide Story Time by Gravesong Feb 2020 1985
13 The Soulwell Nov 2019 2208
14 The Time of Reckoning - by Mr Neko Nov 2019 3549
15 The Soul Well, by Skalgrim Aug 2019 2243
16 The Soul Well, by Wulfric Aug 2019 2156
17 Where the Winds Blow by Hak Leafbiter Apr 2019 3720
18 Where the Wind Blows by Ligner Mar 2019 3786
19 Where The Winds Blow - by Kevralyn Soulfire Mar 2019 3179
20 Mission to Foghorn Wood Feb 2019 2713
21 The Oracle of Knowledge Dec 2018 2948
22 Missing Persons Report Nov 2018 3156
23 Preserving the Sneverheim by Caradac Oct 2018 3133
24 The Dymwan: Intelligence Report Oct 2018 3159
25 Time Of Reckoning by Caradac Sep 2018 3517
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