Mission Reports

booksListed here are all the in character larping write-ups and reports that have been submitted to Valley Archives. To read any of the reports just click on one of the links below to expand and contract the yearly listings.

If you wish to send in any larping reports for publication, please send them to  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

There will be an in character reward of 30 gests for each larping mission article submitted.

Even if a report has been written by another larp character please still feel free to send in your own report as well as not every character sees things from the same perspective and other players can benefit from the information you put into your report on their future larp events.


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# Article Title Date Hits
26 Hunting Moon PC04 - The Time of Reckoning by Ligner Larrsson Sep 2018 3520
27 Trouble Under The Mountain by Caradac. Sep 2018 3100
28 The Trial of Malcolm Middleton Sep 2018 3118
29 The Forgotten Apprentices Sep 2018 2894
30 PC04 Planting Moon - A venture anew report by White Crow Jun 2018 3074
31 An auditors report of the Garden of All elements mission. Apr 2018 3251
32 Visit to the the Garden of All Elements Apr 2018 3151
33 The Glorious Adventures of Captain El Picante Rojas Apr 2018 4024
34 Blood and Shadow - by Khandis Sep 2017 3311
35 The Rivers Route by Khandis Jun 2017 3226
36 The Heart of the Matter by Khandis May 2017 3093
37 Rebirth by Khandis Feb 2017 4539
38 Mapping Patrol in the East - Bone Moon 3AC Feb 2017 4493
39 Holistic Cartography at Lost Wood Feb 2017 15330
40 For Ison - by Roesis Nov 2016 3864
41 Roots of Darker Time by Khandis Aug 2016 5081
42 A Garden Party by Ksndra Aug 2016 3815
43 Roots of Darker Times by Gravesong Aug 2016 3291
44 The (Final) Death of Lord Cardonaris by Bill Jingle Jun 2016 4030
45 A Garden Party by Ichabod May 2016 3711
46 A Garden Party by Khandis May 2016 3875
47 Misst Adventures by Igor May 2016 3579
48 Above our Pay Grade - By Roesis Mar 2016 3072
49 The Plagues of Hayat Ghallaya by Ichabod Feb 2016 3493
50 The Plagues of Hayat Ghallayha - Traslation Nov 2015 3719
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