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10 reasons to try live-roleplaying with HeroQuest |
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1. You MatterYou're in a smallish group out to change the face of the world - just as Frodo and the Fellowship did in the Lord of the Rings. Your character matters. What you do, matters. The decisions you make and the fights you pick can change the course of history. In HeroQuest, the players have a real impact on the campaign and the future of the world. In essence: you’re way more than a number, you really count. 2. Epic fights for everyoneA high-hit system essentially means it takes many blows to kill your character. Which is great, whether you can or can’t fight well in real life. With every party having a healer, you’ll be able to take part in some truly intense fights. At HeroQuest, we’ve crafted the rules so that players of any rank can fight alongside each other. For example, minimum damage means that even the mightiest of warriors will be injured in every fight. And lastly, the small-sized parties means you’re not observing other people getting stuck in from ten rows back. You’re there at the heart of the action, saving your comrades, saving the world. ![]() 3. The real world disappearsYou'll experience complete immersiveness. You don't need a narrator telling you what you see. The fantastic costumes speak for themselves. And we use venues with wonderful scenery - forests, sandy dunes and a sea, scrublands - where you are extremely unlikely to run into any members of the public. Players stay in-character for long sessions, and with plenty of adventuring dilemmas to chew over, the real world won’t just seem a distance memory - you’ll forget it entirely! 4. You get involvedWhether you simply want to fight and drink beer, translate runic scrolls and disarm traps, or delve into politics - there’s something for everyone. HeroQuest has been running a continuous plot-line for nearly 30 years, so there’s always more secrets to discover about the rich and amazing world that is Orin Rakatha. 5. You get outdoorsBilbo didn’t find The One Ring by remaining in the shire, and neither will you find adventure by sitting at home! Your adventuring group will get to journey on overlands out into the countryside lasting between 4-8 hours, with plenty of pauses between battles for everyone to get their breath back. Consider it fitness by stealth! 6. You’re uniqueWe have dedicated character referees who not only can help you craft your character background, but work with the dungeon referees to put in encounters specially for you. So that dark villain from your history may just pop up while you’re questing - be warned! There’s a wide spectrum and variety of skills, with sorcerers and priest having all sorts of flavour spells and invocations; no two characters will be the same. And lastly, it’s not just what you can do - it’s what you believe as well. Are you Good, Neutral or Evil? Do you follow the path of Law, or is it a little ‘less important’ to you? You have plenty of scope to create a really interesting character. ![]() 7. Your character will be around a long timeYou can safely invest in an awe-inspiring costume for your beloved character, as you’ll probably be around for many years! Character longevity is a feature of HeroQuest: with a high-hit system, it’ll take quite a bit to put you down; characters leave the towers with a ‘guardian spirit’ - which will protect you from the first would-be death on the adventure. And lastly, you can be resurrected multiple times. Which means that everyone should get a heroic death, and more crucially: a chance for a heroic life. 8. We’re friendlyNo cliques here! We actively welcome new players into the system, and if you’d like to make more friends with a bunch of role-players, we’re your crowd! 9. Your creature comforts are coveredOnce upon a time, several decades ago, HeroQuest players would sleep in caves, with the rain drip-dripping onto their cloaks. These days, we’re more civilised and prefer proper accommodation, nice loos and having hot food cooked for us by our capable chefs. 10. Put more excitement in your life - try something new!For fights, fun & friends, email the friendly team at
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to find out more. For a limited time only, quote NEWBLOOD to claim your 25% discount on your first game with HeroQuest! |
Last Updated on Saturday, 13 March 2021 17:22 |