Mission Reports

booksListed here are all the in character larping write-ups and reports that have been submitted to Valley Archives. To read any of the reports just click on one of the links below to expand and contract the yearly listings.

If you wish to send in any larping reports for publication, please send them to  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

There will be an in character reward of 30 gests for each larping mission article submitted.

Even if a report has been written by another larp character please still feel free to send in your own report as well as not every character sees things from the same perspective and other players can benefit from the information you put into your report on their future larp events.


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# Article Title Date Hits
101 Requiem Oct 2011 3106
102 Season of Mists - The Defeat of the Mist Lord Oct 2011 3450
103 The Colour of Darkness by Leitha Fae Jul 2011 3206
104 Broken Arrow - a report by Agent M Jul 2011 2926
105 The Colour of Darkness by Ichabod Jul 2011 3462
106 A Season of Mists - Wind Moon - by Drokal Greyspire May 2011 3883
107 Mikawa's Desperate Plea - by Leitha Fae May 2011 3767
108 Adventuring Report into Myth of Castle Raze - by Blackthorn Dec 2010 3711
109 One People under One King - by Uncle Istvaan Oct 2010 3371
110 One People under One King - by Uncle Rogaan Oct 2010 3341
111 One People Under One King - By Leitha Fae Sep 2010 3411
112 One People Under One King - by Kevralyn Soulfire Sep 2010 4039
113 Randy and Kandy do Thrandy – Report by Maggot Sep 2010 3943
114 Helping Galithinal Nomass - by Mouse Jul 2010 3803
115 The Raging Torrent - by Caradac Jun 2010 3895
116 A Visit to the Reader - by Jade Jun 2010 3243
117 The Fall of the Hold of Azard - by Shard Farsight Jun 2010 3206
118 The Fall of a Tower - by Kevralyn Soulfire Jun 2010 3235
119 Azad-An Auxiliaries II - by Verrick Jun 2010 3106
120 Azad-An Auxiliaries - by Verrick Jun 2010 3161
121 Earth's Blood Rising - by Kelvin Jun 2010 3831
122 A Storm on the Horizon - by Kevralyn Soulfire Jun 2010 4558
123 Troubled Times – by Kelvin Jun 2010 3513
124 North wind, light to variable, becoming hard later. Or Troubled Times at the Summer Meadows. By Spingle May 2010 2877
125 The Raging Torrent – by Maggot May 2010 3642
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