The Dark Seers PDF Print E-mail


Dark Seers Guild Symbol

A statused member of the Dark Seers can take the title of Priest.

  • Eminent High Priest: Kiara (Human)


The Dark Seers are a Sect dedicated to the Evil Sphere. They use their power to conceal those secrets that they do not want others to know about. The invocations taught by the Sect tend not to be directly offensive in nature, much like the Seers themselves. Individual Seers vary in personality and appearance but tend to be intelligent and observant. If one can tolerate their secretive ways they can make fine scribes and information gatherers within a group and are capable of learning many skills used to identify potions or discern afflictions.


The Dark Seers power base is its High Priests.

  • Yana - Leader of the YMCA
  • Phaid

Requirements to Join

The Dark Seers will accept for membership anyone who agrees to provide a full account of all of their missions in writing. Failure to uphold this agreement will be dealt with accordingly. Any information omitted will be considered a failure.

Guild Skills

These skills are available to Guildmembers at normal use of character points but do not require specific expenditure of Status:

Status Skills Ranks 20 - 63

These skills are available to all Guildmembers at normal use of character points and the expenditure of one point of status.

Note that the spending of one status point allows your character to learn all of the Discern Potion skills. Character points must still be spent on them however.

Invocations Available to Priests

The invocations below can be selected by Priests of the Seers using the Learn Additional Invocations status skill from the list above.

All Seer Priests are taught the invocation Invoke Sphere 5 upon gaining their Talisman.

More information on the casting of Ritual Power.

Status Skills Ranks 64 - 127

These skills are available to all Guildmembers with more than 640 points at normal use of character points and the expenditure of one point of status.

Status Skills Ranks 128+

These skills are available to all Guildmembers with more than 1280 points at normal use of character points and the expenditure of one point of status.

Invocations Available to High Priests

The invocations below can be selected by High Priests of the Seers using the Learn Additional Invocations 9 or 10 status skills from the list above.

More information on the casting of Cosmic Power.

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