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The Opening of the Gates Print
From Thursday, 20 February 2014 -  20:00
To Sunday, 23 February 2014 - 13:00
Every day

The Mists encircle the Land, preventing those not attuned from entering them, lest they succumb to the madness.  Yet life exists within the Mists and can be glimpsed out of the corner of your eye, fleeting images.  It is rumoured that the Mists connect to all and that other lands can be accessed via them, yet who is brave enough to try?

The Wizards Concillium have announced that their “Grand Experiment” is close to completion and have invited small groups from each Tower to witness the culmination of their work.  Representatives have been told to travel to the vicinity of Starmere Lake where they will be met and guided to holding areas.  It has been requested that each group bring at least two Sorcerers to assist in the final preparations.

Fortunes Keep have decided to answer this call and Lady Isabella, Sector Lord of the Six Boroughs has decided to sponsor this mission.  A call has gone out to the adventurers of Fortunes Keep to join this group and it is open to anyone from within the Valley.

Location: Consall Scout Camp


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