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Red School of Magic Guild Symbol

A statused member of the Red School may take the title of Wizard.

  • Eminent Sorcerer: Kevralyn Soulfire (Drow)


Almost all of the Red School are keen combatants, seldom taking a supporting role within a group, preferring to use their Blades and Bolts to quickly destroy their foes. Red magic is drawn from the element of fire and specialises in spells that call forth destructive forces. At higher levels users of red magic are often able to enchant mighty blades, call down huge bolts of flame to incinerate their enemies and produce other similarly explosive effects.

Guildmembers Titled Hero

  • Solitaire
  • Blaze - Wolfhold elf Sorcerer who played a key role in Sethenia
  • Canape - Known for his Sethenia heroics
  • Rasc - Half-orc who helped defeat Ikarus's Shadow
  • Spark - Quested against the Ravanon
  • Ansell - Member of the KFW
  • Aruna - Promoted to Sorceress after her quest against Agoth.

Other Guildmembers

  • Little Red

Requirements to Join

The Red School requires that potential members are capable of casting all of the Common Red Magic Spells and that they have a minimum one spell slot of each level to 5.

Guild Skills

These skills are available to Guildmembers at normal use of character points but do not require specific expenditure of Status:

Spells Available to Mages

The following spells are available to all Mages of the Red School of Magic:

  • Dispel Magic 1-5
  • Fire Bolt 2-5
  • Fire Skin 1-5
  • Flame Blade 1-5

Status Skills Ranks 20 - 63

These skills are available to all Guildmembers at normal use of character points and the expenditure of one point of status.

Note that the spending of one status point allows your character to learn all of the Discern Potion skills. Character points must still be spent on them however. More information on the casting of High Magic.

Spells Available to Wizards

The spells below can be selected by Wizards of the Red School using the Learn Additional Spells status skill from the list above.

All Primary Red Wizards are taught the spell Magma Blade upon gaining their Focus.

  • Blade Bond 5-8 (Primary Only)
  • Fire Brand 1-5
  • Bolt Store 6-8
  • Dispel Magic 6-8
  • Fire Bolt 6-8
  • Fire Skin 6-8
  • Finger of Flame 5, 6-8 (Primary Only at Level 6)
  • Flame Blade 6-8
  • Flame Store 6-8 (Primary Only)
  • Magma Blade 5 (Primary Only, Specialist Spell)
  • Spell Attunement 6-8
  • Wizard's Dispel 6 (Primary Only)

Status Skills Ranks 64 - 127

These skills are available to all Guildmembers with more than 640 points at normal use of character points and the expenditure of one point of status.

More information on the casting of Arcane Magic.

Status Skills Ranks 128+

These skills are available to all Guildmembers with more than 1280 points at normal use of character points and the expenditure of one point of status.

Spells Available to Sorcerers

The spells below can be selected by Sorcerers of the Red School using the Learn Additional Spells status skill from the list above.

  • Affinity to Fire 9-10 (Primary Only)
  • Fire Skin 9-10
  • Flame Blade 9-10
  • Flame Shaper 9-10
  • Fusillade of Flame 9-10
  • Inner Fire 9-10
  • Sorcerer's Dispel 9-10

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Last Updated on Friday, 31 October 2014 09:49
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