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The Colour of Darkness Print
From Friday, 17 June 2011 -  21:00
To Sunday, 19 June 2011 - 13:00
Every day

Since the Astral Bridge and Yana's Hut have been destroyed by the Mist Lord and the World Window is currently out of action, the Blue School of magic has sorcerers working around the clock to get messages, items and the occasional VIP traveller to and from Murandir. Having worked extremely hard to create a semi-permanent portal using the most powerful Blue rituals they are asking for aid from Valley adventurers.

Currently the team is set up in the Waystation (known as Rednow'sRest) in the area of the Aldonar Tombs as the Tombs are known to have a presence on more than 1 plane and have been used in the Blue rituals. However even now not all the Tombs have been discovered or explored and it is known that for many years the Dymwan practised ancient Necromantic rituals at the tombs and the archaeologists of the Catacombs of Asherai have been chased off by Valley patrols on many occasions. Its clear that the Tombs hold many secrets yet.

It is rumoured that the arcane magics wrought by the Blue School have stirred an ancient evil and this is why they wish for aid from the adventurer's Guilds.

The official Guild mission brief merely states that adventurers are needed to patrol the area and guard the portal as well as perform additional duties as the Blue School require.

Do you dare travel to the tombs?

Location: Candleston


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