Momento Mori |
From Thursday, 20 March 2014 - 17:00 To Sunday, 23 March 2014 - 13:00 Every day
The Valley have reforged the Temple of the Four Winds and four Oracles now stand as the Voice of the Mystics upon Orin Rakatha. With a Cataclysm almost upon us their wisdom and guidance could not be more needed. Still there are many upon the land that do not acknowledge the truth of the Temple and its Voice.
The Oracles have spoken, the Voice must be heard by all that would listen. The Temple of the Four Winds has called an open meeting of the peoples of Orin Rakatha so that those that wish to do so may visit the Oracles and the Temple. The turning of the seasons from the dominion of the Ice Wind to the Blood Wind has been selected as an auspicious time, the equinox approaches.
The Lords of Fortunes keep have decreed that the Tavern Waystation will be made available to host this gathering in the heart of the Valley's lands. The full force of the Forestals and Pathfinders will be deployed to maintain the peace. A call for adventurers has been made to deal, diplomatically, with the guests and to resolve any inter-tower issues.
What mysteries will the Oracles reveal and who will heed the words of the Mystics?
The Shadowsfall have already replied, they will be sending an Adjudicator to test the truth of our claims.
The mists gather with increasing frequency as the equinox approaches, how will the other favored of the Mystics respond?
Other's whisper that such a meeting could provide the perfect cover for dark deals, sinister assignations and perhaps the settling of old scores.
What could possibly go wrong?
Location: Candleston